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How to Enable Audience Protection on YouTube [Guide]
How to Enable Audience Protection on YouTube [Guide]
Updated this week

This article includes a detailed guide and video walkthrough on how to connect Lunio with Youtube via your Google Ads Account.

Getting Started:

Creating Your Conversion Action

Creating Your Audience

URL Tagging

Pre-required steps

To set up audience protection, you need to have Lunio's multiplatform script installed on your website. Follow the instructions on this guide to do so if you haven't already.

Keep in mind that the initial tag activation may require a 24-hour wait period.

Also, please note that exclusions will only take effect after your audience has reached a minimum size of 1000 users.

Creating Your Conversion Action

Please Note: If you've already set up protection for Performance Max, you can skip this section.

1. Within your Google Ads account, go to Tools and Settings >Measurement > Conversions > New Conversion Action > Website

2. Enter the URL for the website you want to measure conversions and click scan.

3. Scroll down to section "Create conversion actions manually using code" and click Add a conversion action manually.

Ensure the fields are as follows:

  • Goal and action optimisation = Other

  • Conversion action optimisation options = Secondary action not used for bidding optimisation. This will prevent you from impacting your Google Ads as it won't be used in conversion reporting or automated bidding algorithms. It is very important to select this option"Secondary Action", otherwise Google AI will attract even more invalid users to the website.

Please Note:This option will be disabled if you have not had other conversions of the Other type. In this case, you need to first create a conversion with any settings and use the "Primary action used for bidding optimisation" option. Save the conversion action and only then go back to step 1 of creating a conversion action.

  • Conversion name = Lunio Invalid User

  • Value = Don't use a value

  • Count = Every (by default)

  • Click-through conversion window = 30 days (by default)

  • Engaged-view conversion window = 3 days (by default)

  • View-through conversion window = 1 day (by default)

  • Attribution model = Last Click

4. Click Done and Save and continue.

5. Click "See event snippet" in the lower right corner.

Capture the code:

gtag(’event’,’conversion’,{send_to’:ID GENERATED}]; This is the ID we need. 

6. Click Close and Done and your conversion action will be complete.

Creating Your Audience

We now need to create an audience of invalid users who have triggered your conversion action.

1. Go to Tools and Settings > Shared Library > Audience Manager > Segments > Your data segments

2. Click the blue '+' icon in the top left and select '+Website Visitors’

3. Fill out the new audience segment details with below:

  • Segment name = Lunio Invalid Users

  • Segment members = Visitors of a page with specific tags > Lunio Invalid Users

  • Membership duration = We recommend 540 days as standard

  • Description = Invalid users detected by Lunio

  • We then need to apply this audience to your campaigns. Follow the steps below to do this.

1. Navigate to the campaigns you want to protect against invalid users.

2. Select 'Audiences' on the left

3. Click 'Add exclusions' then either campaign level or ad group level, depending on where you want to apply the audience exclusion.

4. Navigate to Browse > How they have interacted with your business = select Lunio Invalid Users

5. Click save.

URL Tagging

Finally, you need to tag Youtube traffic with the “ppcp_platform=youtube” tag.

1. Download the Google Ads Editor app on your computer

2. Within the app, select Campaigns from the left menu

3. Select the desired Youtube campaign and its settings will appear in the right menu

4. We recommend tagging your landing pages with the Lunio tracking parameter. You can find instructions on how to implement that here.

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